Skepparholmen vs San Francisco


"I have news for you my friend:
I'm sticking by you until the end
Doctor's ordering you the same prescription, see, that worked wonders for me
I sat by myself in bars, I was driven home in state-owned cars
I was filled with so much hate until I saw the Golden Gate
Until my sweetheart took me by the hand and led me to the Promised Land
The only place in North America not yet destroyed by the government

San Francisco! You're going
San Francisco! We're going
Don't you know you'll never ever want to turn back"

-Hello Saferide


I morgon bär det av på vinnarhelg till Skepparholmen, Sthlm.
Förra året var priset en vecka in the states.
Nu är ju den stora frågan, slår skepparholmen San Fran?
Man ska ju som sagt inte ha förutfattade
meningar men jag tillåter mig själv i detta fall.
Jag vill tillbaka.
Rapport på måndag, adios.


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